Cross-hatch Testing

Every Knight Shade at Templar Screens is individually powdercoated on a just-in-time basis. It’s part of the secret to providing you with quick lead times throughout the entire summer season. It also ensure every your cut ends are coated and prevents peeling in the years after installation. But… you’ve got to make sure you’re getting a good quality powdercoat adhesion! Otherwise your screen will look great when installed, but the surface will start peeling and cracking five years down the road.

We’ve got experienced teammates shooting a baking each individually screen, but we go over the top and test the adhesion of each individual screen with a cross-hatch test. The results of the cross-hatch test are recorded and the test card is packaged up and shipped with your completed screen. You can share the card with the homeowner as part of your white-glove service or just toss it in the recycle. Either way, you can sleep easy knowing the screens you install are going to last. (Our cross-hatch test method follow European Standard BS EN 12206-1:2004.)

Check out the video of the process below:

An example powdercoat card with a cross-hatch test pattern.
Our powdercoating quality policy removes any ambiguity in providing a high-quality product to your customer. Check it out here: PC Quality Policy

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